NOR-CAL Movers: How to Save the Most Money on Your Move
Posted on: Wednesday, July 8th, 2020
Movers in the Bay Area Help You Save Money on Your Next Move
Unless you’re a hard-core minimalist who doesn’t believe in owning many possessions, the cost of moving can seem pretty daunting, particularly when you’re on a tight budget. So how do you transport everything to your new home safely and within budget, without throwing everything out the window? Well, here are a few tips from our NOR-CAL movers to keep costs low on your big day.
Compare DIY Versus Professional Moving
Without a doubt, there’s a huge misconception surrounding the cost of hiring professional movers. Many people are simply convinced that doing everything themselves is the least expensive solution. Unfortunately, most folks only learn after their move is complete that this is mostly untrue. Do yourself a favor and spend some time researching the cost of everything you’ll need to pull off a DIY. In the end, you’ll likely skip this option once you find out a professional team is much more affordable than you think.
Why Pay for Boxes When You Can Get Them Free?
While cardboard boxes are the building blocks of a successful relocation, not everyone can afford to purchase them brand new. Instead, get perfectly fine used boxes free from places like department, grocery, and liquor stores. As well, Craigslist and FB Marketplace have sections that advertise items that are free, where you’ll often find boxes to give away.
Get Rid of Some of Your Stuff
Before scheduling the big day with your movers, take some time to go through your belongings and figure out what you can donate or sell. Throw a garage sale and make some extra cash to help pay for expenses. The reality is a great many people discover after they move that there were things they didn’t really need to keep after all.
Skip the Bubble Wrap and Packing Paper
Towels, bed linens, and extra clothes are great to use to wrap your items before boxing them – and they’re free! While bubble wrap and packing paper are, of course, ideal materials, when you’re trying to be frugal there are indeed other options. Additionally, another neat trick that’s low-cost is to use coffee filters to package fragile items. Not only do they work well, but they also don’t transfer ink onto items, unlike newsprint.
Call NOR-CAL movers today for the best assistance with your upcoming relocation.